Virtue and Veracity

Kennesaw, GA – Virtue and Veracity

“Lead boldly, shine brightly.”

We admire these two traits in good leaders.  Who do you know that displays these characteristics?

Have you told them?

#Encourage Excellence

ps. Today’s shout is to Terry Sellers at AT&T. Terry incorporates an attitude of winning with a veracity to lead others well.

Do good work

Kennesaw, GA – Do good work

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23

We were created in God’s image and called to be productive which glorifies him. Doing everything to the best of our abilities is required. When Christ returns we will have to give an accurate account of our service. See Romans 14:12

#Encourage Excellence


Confidence, not fear

Marietta, GA- “Confidence, not fear”

CONFIDENCE is the triumph of action over thought. No FEAR!

This post goes out to my good friend, Mark Gallagher, who embodies the “Confidence, No Fear” lifestyle. I’ve known Mark for several years and he encourages me every time we meet. His confidence is so contagious because he follows his internal moral compass that gives him the direction that he needs to go.

#Encourage Others!



Marietta, GA – “Confidence”

Confidence is about doing something without feeling an ounce of self-doubt!

When you know, you know. When you have truth on your side and you feel what’s right in your heart, you have the self-confidence to accomplish anything.



Embrace the burden of privilege

Powder Springs, GA – “Embrace the burden of privilege”

As an American, when did it become fashionable to be average? Are we meant to just exist or to create? To become exceptional.

If we truly become what we think about most of the time, then think big, grand, and purposeful. Think about the many talents, gifts and advantages you have been given.

Embrace the privileges that you have and create something. Everyone of us has talents and gifts that can be applied to serve others and promote peace.

Just being an American is a privilege that should bear responsibilities. Will America ever be perfect? No, but its citizens can use its greatness to share with the world the blessings we have been given. The United States has so many resources that have been bought and paid for by patriots that wanted our country to be exceptional.





$100 Challenge Repeat

Marietta, GA – $100 Challenge

I wrote a post a few years ago challenging readers to test a giving back philosophy.
The feedback was fantastic and encouraging. I would like to do it again and put even more skin in the game.

If you will join me in doing this experiment for an entire year and promise to provide feedback, then I will match your initial gift and we will see if this challenge can go viral and extend all over the earth. How cool would it be to find good things being done for others in different continents and far-flung countries?

Here’s how it works..
1.- Set aside a predetermined amount of money, say $50 or $100 USD to start.
2.- Anonymously give away the money to someone in need or distress.
3.- Get a notebook to record your gifts, and to track your unexpected returns.
4.- When money comes back to you in unexpected ways, write the date and amounts down in the notebook.
5.- Then give away again the money, or at least half of the money, that has come back to you.

For example, I overheard a waitress one night worrying out loud to a coworker about how she was going to have trouble making her rent and pay her utility bills. I had just visited the ATM earlier in the day so I had some extra money in my pocket. Giving away a $100 tip is a lot, I understand that, but as I was leaving the parking lot, I looked back and saw her crying as she cleared the dishes. A couple of days later, I received a $500 check in the mail from an account that was “audited” and found to be an overpayment from more than a year earlier! So what did I do? I double-downed and gave away the $500. A few weeks later, at my annual review, I got a substantial raise. This has continued for many years. Eventually I stopped recording the unexpected returns and just assumed they would continue. And they did.

Will you try this experiment with me? If I could match the gift that you are willing to put in? Will you take the challenge and record the results, and report them back to me so that we can get an idea of how much of an impact has been made in the lives of others?

Send me an email if you want to participate in this challenge. It will be a lot of fun and interesting to see if the “Law of Giving” works as the ancient texts say. I will post some updates as I get them. May God bless you for blessing others.


-Bryan Wilson

Character, Choices and Consequences

Marietta, GA – “Character, Choices and Consequences”

Our character is a catalog of our choices and the consequences.

Think about this Pareto concept… “20% of our thoughts and choices determine 80% of our life.

Make good choices
Develop good habits
Live confidently
Be humble

-Bryan E Wilson


Be predictable

Marietta, GA – “Be Predictable”

Having a good reputation is very important. Once you are known to have integrity, you become predictable, which is a very good thing. Being a person of good character with integrity is a goal we should work toward.

Doing good creates its own momentum which accumulates. This is known as the Flywheel effect. Good choices and decisions lead to more opportunities for positive behavior and to do good work. The mental effort becomes easier when your character helps your choices and decisions become automatic.

I have been accused of having character flaws. The truth hurts sometimes but we can work to become a person of high integrity and high moral constitution. When my days on earth are over, I want to be known as someone who’s character was “predictable”, in a good way.


-Bryan E Wilson


Kennesaw, GA – “Momentum”

p = (m)(v)

“In physics, the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity

In your life, let the Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) work as it is designed to. The flywheel of action will create the momentum whether positive or negative.

Action is everything, whereas inaction is nothing

-Bryan E Wilson

Higher Standards

Marietta, GA – “Higher Standards”

Live by that same standard to which you have attained.
Are your standards high? Are you a have, or a have not?
Your choices determine your life.
” – BEW

Think about this quick equation…

Productive Action and Activities promote Confidence and add Value

+(a) +/- (-b) = (c)

Positive thoughts/activities
Negative thoughts/activities
Growth or Decline of Self Confidence or Self Worth

Applying physics and the 80/20 Rule, we experience the flywheel effect which will create momentum whether positive or negative.

Please understand that by removing the negative thoughts and activities the growth in self-confidence will increase without as much effort as you think. Growth can happen by removing the negativity and/or adding positive actions. Let me know if you have positive results.

