Prepare for the Possibility

Kennesaw, GA – Ability plus Opportunity is Everything (A + O = E)

Napoleon Bonaparte wrote that “ability without opportunity is nothing”. I like to modify this quotation to be a little more positive and say that our abilities and taking advantage of opportunity forms our destiny. 

Malcom Gladwell writes in his book, “Outliers”, that successful people work hard at developing their abilities and practicing their talents, then seize opportunities when they present themselves.

Realize that we have all been given some type of privilege on this earth. When developing our potential, we should give back to others which completes the circle of our life here on this rock we call home.




PS. Special shout out to my good friend Edwin Luis Mendoza in Cajamarca, Peru. Luis encourages me to work hard and to be grateful for everything good in my life. Thank you Luis!

Somos lo que hacemos cada día

¿Estás feliz con tu vida? ¿Te gusta?

Si no es así, necesitas cambiar lo que haces a diario.

Somos lo que hacemos cada día. Por lo tanto, somos todas las cosas, actividades, hábitos y pensamientos que hacemos repetidamente.

“La excelencia es un arte que se gana con el entrenamiento y el hábito. No actuamos correctamente porque tengamos virtud o excelencia, sino que las tenemos porque hemos actuado correctamente. Somos lo que hacemos repetidamente. La excelencia, entonces, no es un acto, sino un hábito”. -Aristóteles

Fomenta la excelencia,

Edwin Luis Mendoza

Jeff Moore

Dunwoody, GA – Jeff Moore

Awesome to catch up with an old friend and colleague, Jeff Moore.

The IT Community is small and your reputation follows you and opens doors if you do good work and share good will.

